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Health Net COVID-19 Resource Center

Health Net and COVID-19

A variety of resources and tools to manage your health needs during this crisis.

COVID-19 Therapeutics

Paxlovid™ and Lagevrio™ are oral antiviral medications. They are approved medications for emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat COVID-19. And, they have been proven to be safe and effective. Learn more.


How to get the COVID-19 Vaccine  

Join the millions of Californians who've already been vaccinated. Do it for yourself, your family, and your community.

Vaccination videos

Facts about vaccines (duration 0:30)

Let's get to immunity. (duration: 0:30)

Anthony Muñoz Discusses COVID-19 Vaccine (duration: 2:05)

Please keep in mind this is not an exhaustive list. Check with your primary care physician for additional programs in your area.

American Lung Association

Long COVID (Post COVID-19 Conditions)
The American Lung Association has online communities on Individuals register to join a community. Members can choose their level of participation and engagement.

  • Living with Lung Disease. Members can discuss how COVID-19 is affecting them.
  • Living with Long COVID. COVID-19 Long-Haulers and Post-COVID Support Community.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

How to cope with a disaster or traumatic event: Caring for People with Post-COVID Conditions

How Right Now campaign: Finding What Helps

The CDC has several online resources:

  • Long-COVID Alliance
    The Long COVID Alliance is a network of patient-advocates, scientists, disease experts, and drug developers who have joined together to leverage their collective knowledge and resources to educate policy makers and accelerate research to transform our understanding of post-viral illness.
    RECOVER, a research initiative from the National Institutes of Health, seeks to understand, prevent, and treat Long COVID.
  • Body Politic
    A group that seeks to destigmatize issues facing the COVID-19 community and people with related chronic illnesses and disabilities by offering alternative narratives that get to the root of what it's like to live with a novel or chronic illness.
  • Survivor Corps
    Survivor Corps is the largest grassroots movement in America dedicated to actively ending this pandemic and they offer lots of resources for coping with Long COVID.

Administration for Community Living

Finding the resources and supports you need can be overwhelming, but the Administration for Community Living's programs, and the disability and aging networks that provide them, may be able to help. These networks and programs offer a wide range of services and supports to help people with disabilities—including disabilities caused by long COVID—and older adults live independently, go to school, and work, and fully participate in all of life's activities.

How ACL's Disability and Aging Networks can help people with Long COVID – English (PDF)

Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL)

Phone: 888-677-1199

Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) can provide information about services you may be eligible for and connect you to them. DIAL also can help you get vaccinated if long COVID is making it difficult for you to find vaccine sites, make or keep appointments, or find the information you need to make decisions.

To use DIAL, call 888-677-1199 Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time) or email Older adults also can call the Eldercare Locator at 800-677-1116 or visit the Eldercare Locator to chat live or browse resources.

Community-based organizations

Centers for Independent Living (CILs)

For people with long COVID: Your local CIL may be able to coordinate services; arrange accessible transportation; locate and/or provide mobility equipment, and personal care attendant services; assist with arranging reasonable accommodations; and address accessibility barriers in housing, medical care, employment, and other areas; and more.

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). For people with long COVID: ADRCs can help you navigate your state's systems of services, including determining eligibility and connecting you to the organizations, critical resources, and services that can help meet your needs.

Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)

Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). For people with long COVID: AAAs may help identify and provide personal care and homemaking services you now need as a result of long COVID; facilitate transportation to and from medical appointments; and provide meals. AAAs can also identify and reach out to underserved older adults, including people who are homebound, live in rural areas, or have limited English proficiency, to connect them with services they may need if they have long COVID.

Specialized programs

Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As)

Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As). For people with long COVID: Your local P&A may help assess your status and needs, provide case management, ensure access to services, and address accessibility barriers.

State Assistive Technology (AT) Programs

State Assistive Technology (AT) Programs. For people with long COVID: Your state program may be able to provide you with AT you now need. They can also ensure the accessibility of websites and outreach materials educating people on long COVID and the resources available to assist those with long COVID; and provide subject matter expertise and technical assistance related to accessibility and AT.

State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs

For people with long COVID living in LTC facilities: Your ombudsman may serve as a resource to provide information on long COVID and help you if any issues arise in meeting new needs because of long COVID.

Frequently asked questions about COVID-19

The COVID-19 vaccine helps give you the best chance of keeping yourself and your loved ones safe from getting COVID-19 symptoms. And, the vaccine will help keep you from getting COVID-linked health problems in the future.

There are several COVID-19 vaccines that have been fully approved by the FDA.

For more information on COVID-19 vaccines, including safety, doses, boosters and more, see the CDC vaccine guidelines for the most current information.

You can also find vaccine information from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

The safety of the COVID-19 vaccine is the main focus! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) takes care to review all safety data from clinical trials. They then approve emergency vaccine use only when the expected benefits outweigh potential risks. Scientists tested COVID-19 vaccines across many diverse backgrounds. This helped to ensure the vaccines meet safety standards.

You may have soreness, swelling and redness around the point of where the shot was given. You could also develop fatigue, headache, body aches, chills or fever. Some people have nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. These reactions are normal. The side effects occur as your body begins to build immunity to help fight off future COVID-19 exposures. It is important to know that you cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine. The vaccines in use today and the others that are being made do not contain a live virus.

*Plan purchased through Covered California™, a broker, directly from Health Net, or provided by an employer.

What options does Health Net offer?

As a Health Net member, you have options to help maintain your health and be better informed about COVID-19, including information on financial help, food delivery, job placement, and more.

See care options

Video resources

COVID-19 Vaccine: How it Works (duration: 1:53)

COVID-19 Vaccine: Q&A (duration: 3:25)

COVID-19 Vaccine: Myths Vs Facts (duration: 4:30)

Can I get COVID-19 from the vaccines? (duration: 1:00)

Learn about using telehealth services for non-emergency care (duration: 5:00)

Hello Black America! with W. Kamau Bell & Black Health Care Workers (duration: 4:58)

UC San Francisco presenta a miembros de su comunidad en una serie de anuncios de servicio público para ayudar a generar confianza en la seguridad y eficacia de las vacunas COVID-19 (duration: 1:08)

Additional COVID-19 resources

Last Updated: 06/25/2024