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Health Net Grants Help Hispanic Communities with Health Care Needs

Date: 06/24/20

The Hispanic community makes up 39 percent of Health Net and California Health & Wellness members. Local resources have always been very important for this community to achieve ideal health care education and treatment. To continue to help make that possible Health Net has offered its support for local resources:

These and similar Health Net grants are helping to remove Hispanics' most common barriers to care which can include lack of:

  • Transportation.
  • Timely well-check screenings.
  • Health education.
  • Access to social workers.

Health Net continues to work year round to focus on the most common health differences and needs in the Hispanic community. We do this through grants, education and improved services. It’s important to us that the community – and all we serve – gets the best care possible.

Last Updated: 01/08/2021