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Children of Addiction Awareness Week: A reminder that it only takes one adult to bring hope and resilience to a child

Date: 03/01/21

When an adult is suffering from the disease of addiction, they close emotional doors and put up walls. This keeps people who love them the most at a distance. The solution? It takes a variety of caring adults to help children in this situation rebuild lost trust and resilience. So, we’re all in this together.  

Children of Addiction (COA) Awareness Week is an annual event, which was recognized during the week of Valentine’s Day—this year it was Feb. 14-20. It is sponsored by the National Association for Children of Addiction (NACoA).

Focused on the mission to eliminate the severe impact of alcohol and other drug use on children and families, NACoA’s theme for this year’s celebration is “Stand Up for the Children!” According to NACoA, 1 in 4 children are impacted by parental addiction. But the good news is that it only takes one caring adult to change the trajectory of a child’s life.

The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated the situation for many children. Attending school can sometimes serve as a mental and emotional break but right now that isn’t the case. That’s why it’s important that children understand that it’s not their fault. They should not feel shame, guilt or embarrassment. Kids and teens can heal from the impact of parental addiction with proper support and services.

Sesame Street in Communities offers several games, videos and articles covering parental addiction. For instance, the site features a printable coloring page that covers “The 7 C’s.” Those are:

  • You didn’t Cause the problem.
  • You can’t Control it.
  • You can’t Cure it.


  • You can help take Care of yourself.
  • You can Communicate your feelings.
  • You can make healthy Choices.
  • You can Celebrate yourself!

Health Net offers its own resource for members seeking help:

Be sure to follow Health Net's Facebook and Twitter page as we support COA Awareness Week throughout February. Please join us in this movement by liking and sharing our posts.

Last Updated: 03/02/2021