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Free Online Caregiver Support Program for Unpaid Family and Friend Caregivers, Thanks to Collaboration with Health Net and Canary Health

Date: 03/27/24

The role of caregivers is not only vital, but irreplaceable. They provide the kind of personalized, compassionate care that often transcends the capabilities of even the most sophisticated medical technologies. That’s why Health Net is excited to offer the Building Better Caregivers® (BBC) program to commercial and marketplace members, including all employees at companies who offer Health Net coverage as an option, regardless of which health plan the employee ultimately selects.

BBC is an evidence-based, online, six-week, peer-to-peer education and support program for caregivers. It digitally supports caregivers to improve their and care recipients’ outcomes by offering strategies to support managing emotions, stress and difficult care-partner behaviors. It also provides caregivers with resources to support problem solving, goal setting and resource identification. The program emphasizes the importance of clear communication with health professionals, navigating healthcare systems, managing medications and planning for the future.

Why is this so important? Left unsupported, caregivers themselves are more likely to become patients. This can further strain an already strained healthcare system. By leveraging the power of peers, the BBC program offers participants the opportunity to learn from others and from trained facilitators that currently are, or have been, caregivers themselves.

The program has engaged more than 19,000 family caregivers. Participants have said they they’re able to support their loved ones better, have more confidence to accomplish goals related to their health and their caregiver role, and they feel less stress.

Recognizing, supporting and empowering caregivers is a key step towards creating a holistic, robust and truly caring health care system. Health Net is proud to collaborate with Canary Health to offer this free support for these selfless individuals.

Last Updated: 03/26/2024