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Take Charge of your Health

Preventive care and yearly check-ups are important to help you stay healthy. When you practice healthy behaviors as part of your normal routine, they can play a big role in helping to improve your quality of life.

Routine health habits

The little things can have a great impact on your total health!

Eating habits. Healthy eating is all about balance. Enjoy your favorite foods every once in a while. But, be sure to balance your diet with nutritious options such as:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Lean meats
  • Poultry
  • Fish

Avoid skipping meals and keep snacks on hand with protein, so you don't get hungry. Have a diet low in fat, high in fiber, and rich in vitamins.

Keep moving. Get some cardio in your day! Take the stairs, jump rope, or step outside to walk during a break from work. Engage in physical activity at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Find something you enjoy or exercise with a friend or family member. Do what you can to stay driven, hydrated, and keep up your exercise routine.

Stay safe in the sun. Prevent skin damage. The best way to protect yourself from harmful UV rays is by using sunscreen.

Be smoke-free. Tobacco use is one main risk factor for various cancers and other chronic illnesses. Go to page 23 for resources to help quit smoking.

Focus on your mental health. Be sure to take care of your body and your mind! Put self-care at the top of your list. Don't forget that positive mental health can lead to improved overall health. Practice breathing exercises to manage stress and your emotional health. Set aside your electronic devices. Be sure to get enough sleep (adults need seven to eight hours per night) and find ways to relax when you can.

Note: To find a mental health provider, please call the number on the back of your Health Net ID card.

Screenings and other types of preventive care

The right preventive care at every phase of your life helps ensure your good health.

Health problems are easier to treat when caught during an early stage. Routine screenings can often detect cancer early and prevent illness from getting worse. Keep in mind that getting treatment when cancer is still in its early stages is vital. This is when treatment can be most effective. Always check with your doctor for the tests that are best for you given your age, health history, and family's medical history.

Suggested screenings/services:

Breast cancer screening (Mammogram1). From age 21, ask your doctor about getting a clinical breast exam during your yearly checkup to screen for breast cancer early. Once you turn 40, get your mammogram every one to two years, or as your doctor advises.

Colorectal cancer screening. Routine screenings should begin at age 50. But talk to your doctor starting at age 40 to learn more about your risk, and if you need to get screened sooner. There are many screening choices available. These include a colonoscopy or in-home testing options. Refer to page 14 to see when and what type of test is best for you.

Cervical cancer screening (Pap test1). Routine screenings should take place every three years starting at age 21. If you have a teenager, urge them to make good choices. Also ask your teenager's doctor about what cancers the HPV vaccine can prevent.

Yearly check-up. Visit your primary care provider (PCP) at least once each year so they can assess your current health status. Your PCP can advise you on the next steps to keep you healthy!

Mental health screening. At your yearly check-up, or any visit, make sure your doctor also asks about your mental health status. Ask your doctor what type of screenings, like screening for Depression or Anxiety, is right for you.

Flu shot. Get your flu shot each year to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Sexual health screenings. If you are sexually active, make sure to get a yearly test to check for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea. With any positive result, your doctor can talk to you about your best options for treatment

Your Health Net Benefits Include Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Preventive Care

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medicine to help prevent getting HIV. Your Health Net health plan provides coverage for PrEP. It also covers PrEP support services (listed below). These services help ensure PrEP is given safely as part of your preventive care benefits.

There is no cost share2 for PrEP prescriptions and support services when you use an in-network provider. You can find the cost share for preventive care in your Evidence of Coverage.

Preventive care coverage for PrEP support services includes:

  • HIV testing, both at baseline and every 3 months while taking PrEP
  • Testing to assess kidney function
  • Testing for hepatitis B and C
  • Sexually transmitted infection screening and counseling
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Adherence counseling

Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Medicine

If you have been exposed to HIV, taking anti-HIV medicine may reduce the chance of becoming HIV positive. Your Health Net Group or Individual & Family health plan provides coverage for post-exposure medicine. Your plan’s deductible, copays and cost-share apply for PEP prescriptions and related testing and services provided through your pharmacist or provider. For specific information about your plan please refer to your Evidence of Coverage.

Resources for you

Health Net offers web-based solutions designed to improve your health and reduce your health risks. Our Health Promotion Programs are online and six weeks long. Programs focus on:

  • Healthy weight
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Managing stress

For more information about our health and wellness programs, visit Health Net (Group members) or MyHealthNetCA (Individual & Family Plan members).

1 If you have had either a mastectomy or hysterectomy, and you are unsure if you need these types of preventive screenings, be sure to speak with your doctor.
2 You may have cost share for preventive care if you are covered under a health plan put in place on or before March 23, 2010.

Last Updated: 07/10/2024