Specialty Pharmacy
Our specialty pharmacies are available at no extra cost to members taking drugs used to treat long-term, complex, or rare chronic conditions such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, H.I.V. or hemophilia. We can help you to manage side effects and symptoms, ensure you take drugs timely and as prescribed, and guide you through order refills.
Our specialty pharmacies include:
- AcariaHealth Pharmacy
1-855-535-1815 - Accredo Health Group
1-833-750-9975 - CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy
1-800-237-2767 - Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy
For all specialty pharmacies, TTY users should call: 711
For more information on our specialty pharmacies, please contact Member Services. You can also call the number on the back of your Member ID card.
- Employer Plans - Medicare
- Drug and Pharmacy Information
- List of Drugs (Formulary) and Drug Change Notices
- Find a Pharmacy
- Drug Transition Policy
- Prior Authorization, Step Therapy and Quantity Limits
- Drug Coverage Determinations (exceptions) and Redeterminations (appeals)
- Medication Therapy Management Program (MTMP)
- Medication Management and Safety
- Mail Order Service
- Specialty Pharmacy
- Out-of-Network Pharmacies