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Dyadic Services Benefit

Health Net Children and Families Can Now Access the New Dyadic Services Benefit

The Dyadic Services and Family Therapy Benefit can help support child development and mental health by treating children and caregivers together

A dyad refers to a child and their parent(s) or caregiver(s). Dyadic services refer to serving both, the parent(s) or caregiver(s) and child together as a "dyad," and is a form of treatment that targets family well‐being as a way to support healthy child development and mental health.

Who's Eligible?

Children and/or Youth (Members under age 21) and their parent(s)/caregiver(s). The child/youth must be enrolled in Medi-Cal. The parent(s) or caregiver(s) do(es) not need to be enrolled in Medi-Cal or have other coverage so long as the care is for the direct benefit of the child. Prior authorization is not required for dyadic services.

Dyadic Services are generally provided within the pediatric primary care settings whenever possible and can help with

  1. Identify behavioral health interventions and other behavioral health issues
  2. Providing referrals to services, and help guiding the parent-child or caregiver-child relationship
  3. Meeting your family's needs, including addressing mental health and social support concerns, and
  4. Broadening and improving the delivery of pediatric preventive care.

Dyadic Services include:

  • Dyadic Behavioral Health (DBH) Well-Child Visits
  • Dyadic Comprehensive Community Supports Services
  • Dyadic Psychoeducational Services, and
  • Dyadic Family Training and Counseling for Child Development

Through the DBH well-child visits and other dyadic services listed below, a child and caregiver or parent can be screened for behavioral health problems, interpersonal safety, tobacco and substance misuse, and social drivers of health (SDOH), such as food insecurity and housing instability, as well as provided referrals for appropriate follow-up care.

  • Dyadic Comprehensive Community Supports Services help the child (Member under age 21) and their parent(s) or caregiver(s) gain access to needed medical, social, educational, and other health-related services.
  • Dyadic Psychoeducational Services are planned, structured interventions that involve presenting or demonstrating information with the goal of preventing the development or worsening of behavioral health conditions and achieving optimal mental health and long-term resilience.
  • Dyadic Family Training and Counseling for Child Development includes brief training and counseling related to a child's behavioral issues, developmentally appropriate parenting strategies, parent/child interactions, and other related issues.
  • Dyadic Parent or Caregiver Services are services delivered to the parent or caregiver during a child's visit, attended by the child and parent or caregiver together, and includes assessments, screenings, counseling, and brief intervention services.

For mor information regarding the Dyadic Services and Family Therapy Benefit, please consult your child's Pediatrician or Primary Care Provider, or contact Health Net Member Services at 1-800-675-6110 for assistance with linkage to services.

Last Updated: 05/07/2024