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Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms
AdolescenceA young person who has begun puberty but has not yet become an adult.
AnxietyFear, worry.
Behavioral HealthServices that help people make healthy changes in their lifestyles habits and relationships.
BehavioralHow a person behaves or acts.
Bone Density TestA test of how solid and how strong your bones are.
Breast CancerCancer of your breast.
CancerA disease that causes cells to grow out of control; it can spread to tissues and organs throughout the body.
Cervical Cancer ScreeningA test for cancer of the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus.
CholesterolTypes of fat found in the blood; HDL is good fat, LDL is bad fat.
Colon CancerA condition where you have cancer in your large intestine.
ColonoscopyAn exam of the inside of the large intestine that uses an easy to bend tube with a lens at the end.
ConditionAn illness disease or health problem.
DepressionAn illness that can cause sadness loss of interest and other emotional or physical problems.
DiabetesA disease that makes your blood sugar levels higher than they should be, which can cause many other health problems.
DiagnosisFinding out the cause of an illness, condition or disease, medical answer.
DiseaseIllness, sickness.
Gestational DiabetesA condition where a woman who hasn't had diabetes before, starts to get it during pregnancy.
GlucoseA form of sugar found in the blood stream that provides energy to many body systems.
InsulinA hormone made by the body; also a drug used to control blood sugar in people with diabetes.
IntercoursePhysical sexual contact between people that involves the pelvic organs of at least one person.
Large IntestineThe part of the intestine which holds the colon, rectum and anus.
MammogramA test using x-ray pictures to see if there is an abnormality in the breast tissue.
MenopauseTime in a woman's life when her periods stop.
Menstrual BleedingThe normal monthly bleeding from a woman's vagina.
Pap TestA test for cancer of the cervix.
Pelvic examA physical check to make sure the female pelvic organs are normal.
PeriodA single event of menstruation.
Postpartum DepressionDepression that happens after a woman gives birth.
PrenatalDuring pregnancy and before birth.
ProcedureSomething done to treat your problem.
Prostate CancerCancer of a man's prostate.
PubertyA child's body changing into an adult form.
Reproductive HealthAbout the organs or the process used to create children.
SpecialistA doctor specialist focuses on a certain field of medicine or a group of patients. To diagnose, manage, prevent or treat certain types of symptoms and conditions. A non-doctor specialist has special training in a certain field of health care.
SubstancesChemical, material, matter, stuff.
Testicular CancerCancer that forms in tissues of one or both testicles.
Type 1 DiabetesA type of diabetes where your body, pancreas, doesn't make insulin. This can lead to problems with your heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth. Type 1 diabetes most often occurs in children.
Type 2 DiabetesA type of diabetes where your body doesn't make or use insulin well. This leads to too much glucose in your blood, leading to problems with your heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth. Type 2 diabetes most often occurring in adults.
UterusAn organ in a woman's body where babies may grow during pregnancy.
VaginaPart of a woman that connects the uterus and cervix to the outside of her body.
Vaginal DischargeA mix of fluid and cells shed through the vagina.
Last Updated: 05/16/2024