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State of Reform Conference Attendees Gain Valuable Insight into Funding Health Equity Programs from Health Net Presentation

Date: 07/13/22

The State of Reform Health Policy Conference brought together health care experts and policymakers. The event discussed ways to pay for health care programs for all Californians.

Dr. Pooja Mittal, Health Net's Chief Health Equity Officer, spoke at the event to talk about funding health equity programs.

Californians with low income often have health issues at a higher rate. That's why Health Net creates programs that improve the quality of care for members. They also increase access to care for those who need it. This is done through working with providers and local nonprofits.

Health Net uses data to find reasons that keep patients from getting better health care. This approach uses:

  • National best practices
  • Social determinants of health
  • Disability-adapted services
  • Workforce development
  • Encounter data
  • Telehealth services
  • Housing security
  • Community-based partnerships & local investments
  • Language & interpreter services
  • Internal disparities dashboard
  • Population-specific programming
  • Cultural competency training & resources for providers

One instance of this work is in the Central Valley. Health Net found only half of Salvadorian mothers made doctor visits after giving birth. It was discovered that Salvadorian mothers followed a tradition to stay at home for 40 days after childbirth. Because this was not known, many providers did not plan care around it.

To improve the outcome for this group, Health Net engaged a community advisory workgroup. This workgroup educated providers about these customs. After, visits to the clinic went up from 50% to 82%.

Better health outcomes start with access to care. That's why Health Net invests in the communities we serve to meet our members where they are.

Last Updated: 01/27/2023