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Community Health Experts Learn How to Help Improve the Health of Californians Through CalAIM

Date: 11/28/22

This year's California Primary Care Association's conference was titled, Meeting the Moment: Moving Toward A Healthy Horizon and focused on health care for all. The event had a variety of attendees that work in community health. This included executives and senior leadership, operations staff, clinicians and providers, government officials and other key decision makers.

Martha Santana Chin, Medi-Cal President at Health Net, spoke on a panel about our work to launch CalAIM in the communities we serve. With over 3 million members, both Community Supports and Enhanced Care Management has been a focus to improve health equity.

Our CalAIM development model used four main pillars:

  • Health Equity: We created structures and processes that support equity and recruited diverse providers so we meet the needs of our communities.
  • Local Engagement: We worked closely with local organizations to build a robust and responsive provider network.
  • Local Investments & Partnerships: We invested over $100 million in over 500 community-based organizations.
  • Trusted, Local Input: We stay informed by community input and knowledge of local needs.

Six months after the launch of CalAIM, we took a step back to look at what we'd learned so far. We shared that knowledge with the broader health care community through our issue brief on CalAIM and Community Supports.

As the state continues to implement CalAIM through 2027, Health Net will use our expertise and work with the state, our partners and providers to ensure its success.

Last Updated: 11/28/2022